Monday, September 8, 2008

Doctor Checking Dick While On

Spojrzenie na terapię jąkania metodą prof Arutiunian

© Stutter.Stutter @, last modified: 13/04/2010

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look at her therapy kite by prof. L. Arutiunian

Below their comments on the treatment it kite based on the method of prof. L. Arutiunian . This method is described in the book "How to treat stuttering" - Lilia Arutiunian (Andronov), Moscow 1993, paper "PERMANENT PROGRAM STANDARDIZATION OF SPEECH stutterers' ; and pages therapists working with this method (Beata Trojanowska, Ewa Galewska, Bernadette Dean-Standowicz, Henryk Tomaszewski Czich with David, and others).

method also met by the fact that I was involved in the therapy business method. Therapy made me feel pretty good (especially at the beginning), but now, with hindsight, I have observations and claims ; concentrations for some of its aspects. I also have a much worse opinion about the conduct of therapy and the same method of treatment of stuttering.

The study also took into account comments and feedback therapy of patients appearing on the site "Stuttering - Therapy - Myths and Facts " , and in its guest book .

  • effectiveness of therapy based on the method of stuttering professor. L. Arutiunian

unfortunately I do not know the results of research into the effectiveness of this method by independent centers. Also, individual therapists do not publish results of such studies, though often argue that every stammering can be cured and only the patient depends on whether the cure . Such is the contention by me abuse.

Arutiunian her career, said:

"The results obtained after an intensive course of treatment are about 100% cured,

the results of studies conducted on the up & # 322; ywie year showed that it was not cured less than 70%. "

My observations confirm the fact that after 2 weeks of intensive therapy virtually 100% of people speak fluently (although b. slowly), which does not mean they are cured, and after a year of starting therapy or even 70% of patients did not stammers , in a noticeable way.

statement "100% healed after an intensive course of treatment" is an obvious far-reaching simplification.

How is it then, after a few years?

From what I know, is much worse, but it's supposedly pretty good. This therapy, if well conducted, it can give good results for młodzieżyi adult takżew settled it harassment. The information to which the access I have recently indicated that there are frequent recurrences of stuttering, even in people who have successfully completed & # 324; cerned therapy. (In my group, none of the adults młodzieżyi not cured in a sustainable manner). I regret that none of the centers does not publish data on the effectiveness of stuttering therapy.

Yet I do not hesitate to say that in stuttering therapy based on the method of prof. L. Arutiunian is a bit of genius. is probably the first that gave hope to people with consistently stuttering, to cure.

might not know, but in the English-language edition of Wikipedia in teksie on password Stuttering is the following paragraph:

" Prognosis:


With adult stutterers, there is no known cure , [42] May though They make partial recovery with intervention. Often Stutterers learn to stutter less severely and be less emotionally affected, though others May make no progress with therapy, "

So in a nutshell: In the case of adult stutterers, there is a known case of a cure, although and you can get partial improvement ...

But there is no rose without thorns. Therapy by prof. L. Arutiunian also has some shortcomings, they also therapists sometimes make significant errors.

reserve, my criticisms do not apply to all therapists working with this method, because each of them has a little therapy ; in any way.

  • Therapist stutter - a speech therapist or psychologist? Stuttering and psychology.

people understood the nature of stuttering (constituting a communication disorder - not just verbal) probably agree with the claim that it Living has little in common with speech impediments and its treatment requires more knowledge psychological and educational than logopedic.

The thing that bothers most people jąkającym, it is not the same niepłynność speech, but mostly fears its far-reaching effects. Fear of speaking, fear of stuttering, ridicule and humiliation. Were it not for these psychological effects, the same stuttering would not be too burdensome for most.

stuttering therapist should be so, above all, a good psychotherapist understands the essence of fear of j & # 261; kających be able to take and help patients to be aware of these fears, and in dealing with them in an appropriate manner . Otherwise, these fears may to be only temporarily suppressed, repressed, would later return with redoubled force. Unfortunately, most therapists treating this method has only a speech and language training, educational or other social sciences.

lack of adequate psychological knowledge and skills in psychotherapy, combined with the temptation to shape the psyche of patients may lead to far-reaching błędóww conducting therapy, errors on several levels. This is confirmed by page Stuttering - Therapy - Facts and Myths founded by a former patient (highly recommend it.) Particularly noteworthy are saying:

".... As a result, the speech therapist begins to materialize in nieprzynależną ; his role, the role of psychotherapist - despite the lack of appropriate qualifications. ....

"... Power corrupts, and the role of the therapist gives you the power ... an indication of someone "way of life ', the configuration according to your desire - what a satisfaction it must give !

most dangerous, however, tend to therapists who speak so. Arutiunian method - for the simple reason that they have an intense, closed group lessons. A bit of charisma and ability to direct the collective mood of the force can not be overestimated, especially to the people so dependent on acceptance of Socio ; ecznej as stammering. Creator of the method, lily Zinowiewna Arutiunian - which itself is a psychologist-speech therapist - postulowaław his book (Kak leczit 'Zaika, Moscow, 1993) mandatory presence of a psychologist in the classroom, However, fast and pragmatic reasons, probably abandoned the idea. This error undermines the value of the best to date, as I dare say, stuttering therapy - nieudolno & # 347, C, or arrogance, speech therapists, who know better what you should think of has already led to several tragedies. ... "

confirmation of this thesis are also expression of other patients, in particular: significant statement:

My thoughts on stuttering therapy conducted by a method Arutiunian ....

  • Flowers Therapy - (unintentional) humor therapy

As relief, and an example to illustrate the knowledge psychological therapy cite the person handling the dialogue that took place in therapy: A patient asks


- Why do I often dream that I stutter, though stutter is no longer waking up.

The facilitator is responsible therapy:

- Because your brain longs for stuttering.

second manifestation of the knowledge of that person:

- Do you know why small children have a better therapy?

- because their parents are much more involved in therapy than you!

- Which is completely ignoring the difference between the stuttering young child, and settled for many years to adult stuttering .

These and other findings are to me a misunderstanding of the therapy.

Therapies Flowers with another of the patients ( Benek ):

"through exercises Breathing is one of my patients recovered from his asthma. Nobody has been able to help him before, "

" before a person full of complexes, and now they are journalists, actors, directors of banks. And it's all thanks to therapy, "

peculiar flower therapy was required frequently sip water (at least 1.5 liters of still water, among other drinks) justified this, & # 380; e brain is composed of 80% water and drinking it supports the creation of new nerve connections (sic).

I hope that the "therapists" will no longer create Fioretti Therapies, unless desired that in the therapy of laughter.

· ; Stuttering and social anxiety

According to me the majority of stutterers s & # 281, shows a high level of social anxiety, what the treatment is often not mentioned explicitly. I believe that this fear, and lękw general, is the greatest enemy of jąkają smokers, and therefore of stuttering therapy should be more account of this fact.

Undoubtedly social anxiety stutterers is, largely, the result of trauma associated with stuttering. This does not mean, however, that "the replacement of stuttering speech fluent" fully cure social anxiety & # 322; Security number. The therapy is based on the method of prof. L. Arutiunian are many elements efforts to reduce social anxiety, but I think too little.

All stutterers want to encourage an interest in issues of social anxiety disorder. I recommend such a book "How to overcome shyness and lumbar k from the environment? Training "by Martin M. Antony, Richard P. Swinson.

I believe that the methodology presented in the book treat social anxiety could be used as a supplement pressure stuttering therapy based on the method of prof. L. Arutiunian. I would encourage therapists involved in the treatment of stuttering to explore issues fear!

stuttering therapy based on the method of prof. L. Arutiunian is certainly a big step forward in the treatment of stuttering, because according to me included in the treatment of stuttering elements of behavioral therapy (or require justification?), and it is as identified b very consistent. However, I think does not use fully the methods and techniques of this therapy. No It also elements of cognitive therapy, which is its logical complement.

It would be the inclusion of art motivation to motivate positive patients to perform the difficult task after all (more carrots ...). This art of motivation (in conjunction with a sensible manipulation) offers yet many subtle and effective ways ...

  • behavioral methods in the treatment method of prof. L. Arutiunia n

Above I said that stuttering therapy based on the method of prof. L. Arutiunian uses behavioral therapy methods. (Thesis that I will soon be justified, if I find time for it).

  • suggestion in the treatment method of prof. L. Arutiunian

I wish to draw attention to a very important part of therapy by prof. L. Arutiunian - suggestion. It is omitted in the description of the method, and without treatment would not be possible.

Almost in confirmation of this thesis are the rules udziałuw therapy:

- treating people earlier hypnosis, they are not, generally, accepted for therapy,

- persons who have interrupted therapy mogływ not participate for 5 years.

The explanation is simple: the treatment of stuttering hypnosis is very effective, but the effects are short lived, and another hypnotic suggestions work getting shorter, as the suggestion is awake ( Surowaniec Joseph Stuttering speech therapy and holistic aspects of the impact of , stuttering therapy, Marzena Kocik ).

In situations where the patient was treated previously with the use of hypnosis or explicit suggestion, it is less susceptible to suggestion and to convince the therapist that perform certain exercises will prevent him from stuttering in any situation.

seems pacjentóww that belief is 100% effective exercise is the cornerstone of therapy, especially its initial stage. Without this belief would not be able to go for example on the street and ask the famous "free questions".

Therefore, patients are urged in many different ways, using subtle techniques. At this initial stage is very important to the therapist's charisma, his ability to persuade, force persfazji. not without reason that the greatest professional success and market success relate those blockbuster, charismatic. Unfortunately, charisma and pugnacity often goes hand in hand with knowledge , psychological and other necessary skills .

The upshot is that patients are subjected to brainwashing, even those who do not pay for treatments for a month or even a few may not feel the fear of speech, stuttering and did not stutter. Unfortunately, after a period of stuttering can return - regardless of patient involvement in treatment and the afterglow time & # 281; canego to exercise.

By the way, the question which therapy exercises are actually a therapeutically active and which give only a placebo effect?

order not to crush the faith pacjentóww effectiveness of therapy, all cases of speech in patients niepłynności s & # 261; translated, in general, in one way: patient does not apply to recommendations, broke the principles of therapy, and the patient is ranked in the pillory . (This is confirmed by entries in the forum "Stuttering - Therapy - Myths and Facts " ). Such conduct constitutes a translation and a warning to others, and may encourage them to urgent exercise.

It seems that the therapist has no other choice, he must act like that because the remaining patients no longer believe the effectiveness of therapy.

But what about those that really try, but either were not able to overcome the anxiety to perform well-defined classes or, worse, render them carefully, but they stutter their defeated.

raises the dilemma:

- Can speak the whole truth for patients on therapy and reduce the their faith in a cure, and thus the effectiveness of treatment,

- Are patients fed myths about therapy, that build faith in the cure, but it is untrue. Putting, the same patients in a brutal collision with reality.

This element of therapy seems to be its Achilles' heel (if no longer rely on mythology) .

Is there a solution to this stalemate? I think it is:

  • Therapist should indicate that the suggestion has action limited time and if you do not use it fully for a confrontation with his lumbar ; kami, it does not heal.
  • therapist should thoroughly informed about the effectiveness of therapy (given% of those successfully completing initial therapy, annual & # 261;, after 2 years, etc) before starting therapy.
  • Therapy should be modified, so as not to burden the patient's psyche, more than is necessary. Should take greater account of psychological knowledge and therapeutic methods used in psychology.
  • initial interview and psychological tests should indicate the persons who do not have many chances to complete therapy in its present form. These individuals should undergo an initial psychological therapy, which that allowed them to take the hardships of stuttering therapy. The alternative would be to create treatment groups with the personality profile and the level of social anxiety disorder patients.
  • therapy paradoxically increases the fear of stuttering

therapy paradoxically increases, the long run, fear of stuttering. Although in the initial phase of therapy, this fear almost disappears under the influence of the suggestions of the therapist and the patient falls into euphoria (generally very clearly decreases & # 281; general level of anxiety). However, sometimes the fear of stuttering is generally slow growing. I will try to develop more this topic. Now I will use only a part of discussions in the "Stuttering - Therapy - Myths and Facts" :

3650. Therapy diverts attention from the very act of speech - although excessively focused on liquidity (hence the first failure of therapy is usually the end to ). Theoretical background therapy is really poor ... thumb of dominant hand - the center of Broca ... bullshit. Why, it would be a miracle cure for aphasia? (Nb for some time I spoke with my left hand - with success, and until this do not automate the movement, bringing attention to, you know the voltage, speech). Blaize

3663. Blaise, I'm not sure if

"... Therapy diverts attention from the very act of speech ..." I agree

that it diverts attention from the Therapy of larynx and its surrounding areas, but according to my therapy increases the concentration on the act of speech (Bevel, intonation etc) and the act of communication. Therapy raises the bar, but rather kładeczkę, after which the culprit has to go. Psychologizator

3666. Your Right, Psychologizatorze - not reversed. This translates into attention on other elements of the same: breath, soft start, etc. layer, psychological and replaced by an obsession of stuttering obsession with the non-stuttering, with all the consequences of fanaticism, including . All inclusive.

The only method known to me (I reserve that for a long time do not sit in the subject line) are almost the same apart from the implementation of speech is the method of Van riper. There goes about eliminating ANXIETY before stuttering (when therapy increases Arutiunian it - which is irrelevant if the therapy works, but it is & # 281; disastrous when the work stops, or starts). Blaize

  • Not all patients are able to cope with the hardships of therapy

Much some patients who do not stutter therapy in a noticeable way, but still, those who did not hold this very difficult and unsuccessful therapy. Their defeat is all the more painful that therapist is often claimed that adherence to therapy and to perform all exercises guarantee of success, and any failures are the fault of the patient.

The patient is required to perform many different exercises during the day. So much that sometimes it seems impossible that all be done conscientiously.

By the way I say intriguing question: which exercise, the therapy really therapeutic to work, and which give only a placebo effect?

In my opinion, patients should undergo psychological tests before starting therapy and have a constant care psychologist during therapy, and especially in times of crisis . I fear that people with particularly high levels of anxiety (especially social anxiety) can mixture & # 263; big problems in the completion of therapy. Too much anxiety can prevent them from full participation in therapy - to prevent certain tasks despite high motivation and mobilization.

more that some of the tasks are virtually impossible for most normal people with good mental resistance.

Free questions are examples of tasks that a certain group of people is extremely difficult, almost impossible for those with high levels of social anxiety and high empathy, sensitivity & # 380; opportunities to the feelings of others.

I think the problem lies in the fact that the patient is sent to free questions to do with himself, "głupa, ridiculed in front of strangers, (in a good cause to overcome logofobii, social anxiety, shame ...) But it did not prepare enough to cope with in & # 322; own psyche in these extremely difficult situations. Treating all patients equally, if not noted, that for some it may be too difficult, if not properly disposed.

It is like people to throw non-swimmer into deep water. .. Those who can cope and do not drown it becomes witness the effectiveness of accelerated learning to swim. The fact that someone is lost is not a major problem - after some "loss must be." You may not blame, because apparently too weakly waved his arms and legs. In addition, it still does not matter, because I was drowned, and the issue would be solved :-)

And what do you think of the extreme "open question" - across the street? But you almost scream out extremely slow pace in doing the famous eight heads, etc. For people sensitive, with high & # 380; s anxiety level is practically impossible! How great must be a determination to break up and perform these tasks.

As a result, patients routinely "cheat" therapist. After the discovery of the "crime" therapist, frustrated with abusive patients often react quite sharply, not przebierającw words. Under the influence of a significant proportion of patients mobilized more and somehow overcomes the fear associated with the public "to ridicule." But there are those in whom this fear is greater than the fear of the therapist and the fear of lost by the therapy.

Consequently, very high levels of anxiety may contribute to abandonment of treatment by the patient. I am afraid that you without realizing the cause of failure, feeling like a loser and should a disaster, this situation możew survive a nervous breakdown.

Sometimes I wonder: what happens to patients who do not withstand the collapse of the hard work of therapy and stopped przyjeżd & # 380; ac meetings and consultations? Is anyone interested in their fate?

My pessimistic assumption is confirmed by statements of former patients on the forum "Stuttering - Therapy - Myths and Facts "

  • responsibility of the therapist, the patient's right

I that the treatment of stuttering should be subject to similar mechanism as other forms of treatment. Keeping

stuttering therapy by prof. L. Arutiunian as a therapy largely psychological, it is undoubtedly a very difficult and exhausting,

not difficult in this situation of having committed an error.

In addition, the therapist is huge (which requires no justification), and the temptation to shape others in a way not to be underestimated, because

conducting this type of therapy should be & # 263; governed by the code of ethics - as is the case in psychotherapy:

Code of Ethics Psychotherapist

Code Ethics - Professional Psychologist

POLISH CODE OF ETHICS Society of process-oriented psychology

These codes though different forms have very similar content. I encourage the reading, as it explains many of the problems raised at various forums regarding stuttering therapy by Professor . L. Arutiunian.

The patient should also be informed of their rights contained in the following documents:

Patient rights, patient treatment and j & # 261; residence, should be strictly observed,

and cases of violations should be revealed to be a warning for future patients and for themselves terapeutó w.

should as stutterers, begin lobbying for the establishment of adequate laws to protect the rights of the patient's stuttering therapy could not be challenged.

  • Advertising stuttering therapy, and ethics

I want to believe that the majority of personal b offering treatment of stuttering:

· has adequate degrees in psychology, pedagogy, speech therapy,

· ethically proceed with the volume Assumption of the good of the patient, rather than financial benefits, in particular:

· not use & # 261; cheap tricks of marketing, trying to lure as many patients

· informed prior to treatment which is chance for cure,

· do not claim that any stuttering can & # 380; to heal, giving patients false hopes ,

· profess the good old rule: Primum non nocere - First do not harm & # 263;.

Where there are indications that the patient will cope with the hardships of therapy, which may cause a & # 322; burglary nervous, inform him of this, and propose a suitable refinement of psychological therapy, the treatment of stuttering.

can not deny that sometimes come to me and concerns in this regard.

1 What do you think example of using the name of a place of stuttering therapy HS this "clinic" .

Indeed, according to the "correct Polish Dictionary - OWN, 2004 - L. Drabik, E. Sobol:

Clinic - remain in hospital months also features research and conducting training of medical students.

I wonder what research leads this venerable resort and how many of them are trained studentóww.

Or is it just a marketing gimmick, introducing pacjentóww error ...

I hope that this clinic is not so bad and scientists who work in it will soon publish, we & # 347; Half scientific work, or at least the results of research on the effectiveness of therapy.

second example What do you think of advertising yourself as a person engaged in the departments of psychology classes two uniwersytetó in a while, when in fact the person only rented rooms there for their own needs? (quote: "... he teaches in the department of psychology at the Jagiellonian University and Warsaw University. A PhD student at the faculty of psychology. For 11 years leading therapy, speech and language defects. Currently preparing to print a book on stutter and speech-impaired osóbz therapy. "

third ; What do you think such a slogan:

"Every stuttering can be replaced ; drink smooth speech "yet

the patient understands the potential is probably as follows: Each

stuttering, each jąkającego to be cured ! And it is inherently false.

Fortunately, however, that such statements fall less frequently, although the echoes continue today:

first ; Each stuttering can be cured

second Each can be cured of stuttering

third You're known for its assertion that each type of stuttering can be cured, also in person b Adult .

fourth Stuttering can be treat all ages and most signifi-important is the fact that each stuttering can be cured.

fifth Today I can certainly say that each of stuttering can be cured. The best example are the patients whose cured.

I think that publishing such information, advertising is a violation of such provisions of the Act on combating unfair competition "as an ad by entering & # 261; ca customer confusion regarding the possibility of a cure, and about their actual qualifications.

'm not saying that each of the therapists working with this method commits a specified above, errors that affect each patient's rights and violate ethical codes, introduces pacjentóww ERROR d. conclude only that it happens, so be sure to publicize such cases and stigmatize.

Feel free to write their comments in the guestbook: [ see Paper on stammering and stuttering therapies Visit this group Grupy dyskusyjne stutterers I invite you to fill in a questionnaire relating to social anxiety of stutterers:
Poll: Her , kites, and social phobia

. I want to check the thesis that most stutterers shows a high level of social anxiety disorder. Regards, Stutter.Stutter @

suggest motto:

"The biggest mistake of committing one who mys lac that can do little - do not do anything "

© Stutter.Stutter @

give permission to reproduce the text and contained its ideas, provided the source


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