Monday, April 19, 2010

Lab 6:molecular Biology?

LastFM - musings for no particular reason

As a topic, today undertake to describe this very very interesting sites, no, and not miss some of my personal dilemma.
"LastFM - Internet radio station and music recommendation system, which merged with a sister project of Audioscrobbler in August 2005.
system creates detailed profiles of the musical tastes of each of the users, showing their favorite artists and authors on the personalized pages. Takes account of the tracks reconstructed with the filtered radio channel provided by the service and also registered with the application installed on your computer and get information from the media player. " [source:]
To Page you actually listened to your songs computer, you must:
- register online (registration is free, it is also possible paid subscription)
- download a small applet ( LastFM scrobbler download )
- then install, by the program, plug in a music player that we use ( I personally use the Foobar2000)
- log in AudioScrobblerze (collected by us before the program), choosing from the top menu "Account -> Add user" of course we use the same username and password, which we use to access your account on LastFM
- check if we played a song correctly described in its properties (called tags).

My adventure with this party started about 1.5 years ago. At this point, is one of the most visited my websites. I met many interesting people (hence the greeting for them, pjonaa!), And one very special.
portal presents a very interesting interface that all time is "smarten up" and dostosywany to your needs. I think it worthwhile to use this service because it offers us many interesting options, especially for those who like be the first to know of the concerts. The site also znajdzimy "shoutbox" where we talk with interesting people from around the world. It is the use we still have many, many other useful options, so feel free to nick is registered, and the joy of use;). Below

look to my profile:


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