Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Best Martial Arts Chest Protectors


I'd like a little wstępik effectiveness to, something like guess what I now write?

About food. One of the greatest pleasures of my life. And about cooking, which is one of the favorite activities.
But first pomaniaczę. I mention the products, without which my kitchen is not operational.

first Seromaniaczę.
recently headed the camembert and mushrooms (and the addition of blueberry jam, mandatory), Blue, Limburger, Džiugas (let me nobody screwed it's fake parmesan cheese, because the bite), Gouda with pesto, blue sheep (hence ) and millions of others. Well, I can not live without cheese and so much: D

second Makaronomaniaczę.
I have at home a cabinet full of bizarre pasta. Wholemeal. Organic. The different shapes. Colored with spinach, tomatoes, beets, sepia cuttlefish. I could eat pasta seven days a week. They also often do the same, in terms you understand, the same adhesive paste, cut the fabric into different shapes and throw into the water. Anyway, I begin to see how to externalize the rules.

third Rukolomaniaczę.
love rocket with tomato cocktail and a little cider vinegar and olive oil. The best straight from the garden (yes, sometimes I have such an opportunity). There is nothing better. And the strangest thing is that at the first meeting did not polubiłyśmy: D

4th KremoBalsamicomaniaczę.
At this point openly admit to exaggeration. Pour everything. As much of a good thing and my mother looks at me screaming. I love love love, and most of green beans and carrots with breadcrumbs. Until you dreamed, too bad I do not like that awful frozen beans.

5th Chlebomaniaczę.
not remember the last time I ate bread from the store. Lost the habit of conditioner and preservatives, I bake at home. Hit the week is the bread with sun-dried tomatoes. The brunette also love ...

6th Rybomaniaczę.
eat fish almost every day. Seriously. Like probably all and each form ... Well, I do not like breaded and fried. Hell yeah, I'll be long lived, you know, Omega3 and stuff. I want someone to carry me to Scandinavia!

7th Ziołomaniaczę.
And certainly not a matter of habit my ex, but with fresh herbs, which are irreplaceable in the kitchen. For this reason, the window sill pots have collapsed, and in summer on the balcony of a genuinely no where to stand. Like a weary hour kneading his life fresh basil in a mortar. I recommend: D

this nice accent (And my favorite number) Maniacz finish and come back, this time more embracing, and according to regulations. And the photos are by me and please do not steal.


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